Got any lettuce?

    The post title is the question I texted to a few people in my phonebook to see what their repsonse would be…

    • 2 people replied no, but they were going to the shop and could get me some.
    • 4 people replied offering me drugs…meh.
    • Few replies along the lines of “fuck off – twat”

    Brian let me down though – I would have bet money on his reply being “Fuck off you cock”.

    Oh well, I’ll have to think of another one…

    And then there’s the story of Ewa’s super poo…

    I got up yesterday just after she’d left for work. I noticed that there was a ‘floater’ in the loo, so flushed it. Back into the bathroom 10 minutes later or so to brush my teeth – zounds, the log was still there…so I flushed it again…then again.

    Stubborn thing remained, so I tried the boiling water trick…still unflushable.

    Now, this thing had by now resisted at leat 8 flushes, so I thought I’d better take a picture for posterity:

    Super poo

    And, for the discerning reader, a close up:


    Lovely eh?

    Anyway, the thing finally decided to traverse the ubend – shame really, I was about to start charging it rent.


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    0 thoughts on “Got any lettuce?

    1. You are one sick man, but it is sorta funny! I guess I’m a sick woman!! I guess if I still had my old cell I would have gotten the lettuce question? My answer “how much you need?” 🙂

    2. That’s it, next time I bleed, the internet is in trouble.

    3. Why did I just have a flashback to The Matrix then?

      I need my bed – work in 5 hours…


    4. For the love of God, blog so the poo pics will go down the page….(HA, poo would go down the mode, but it WILL go down the page if you blog!! hee hee)

    5. sighs.

      going to be a long day.

      i really need to proof read what I write.

      it should have read “the poo wouldN’T go down the mode…..”

      someday I’ll lean!

    6. I’m just curious how many hits “poo” has gotten you.
      Blog again already so the poo drops.

    7. *waits for bu’er to lean*


    8. Good luck on that! (me learning!) And whabs I’ve posted a few things on your page but for some reason it wont’ post….(work has this new firewall- I am surprised I can even see you and snee’s page, but no animated thigns show up) anyway, just wanted you to know!

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