Month: July 2019

    Chasing unicorns down a tunnel

    At work we had some resilience awareness training yesterday which lasted 2 hours and was actually more interesting than it sounds. However, all we seem to have taken from this is to say โ€œPoor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine.โ€ and the phrase “It’s like chasing unicorns down a tunnel.” The unicorns one was so memorable that we decided to use that – I can proudly announce I am the winner of the inaugural ‘Unicorn Champion’ challenge having squeezed that into 2 phone calls, several emails, and countless conversations around the office.

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    The other week we had an ‘Information Security Awareness’ week at work – the Polish Cyber-security team were over and spent the week doing workshops and hosting sessions for the whole site – all very interesting stuff, and the live hacking demos were quote frightening with how easy it is to breach the security of a global corporation in minutes (literally). Then, the other day I got an email from a friend (hey Bu’er! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) which in turn made me think “I’ve not blogged in a while…”, so imagine my surprise when I found my blog database had been […]

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