Tag: B3ta

    Lazy post – have an old B3ta QOTW reply:

    Some people shouldn’t be allowed to teach This was recalled by someone much earlier telling tales of scientists doing stupid things. For my sins, I am a science teacher in what would be politely referred to as a ‘Comprehensive’ school. Seeing as we’re in the near-vicinity of several grammar schools, we are in fact more of a bottom-feeder. Needless to say, any illusions I once possessed of being a cross between Mr Chips and Robin Williams in Dead Poet’s Society have been crushed under the sheer weight of imbecility I have to deal with while attempting to be inspirational. Most […]

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    B3ta QOTW entry…and THIS has to win it:

    Beating on the Booming Drum of Self Congratulation It was a warm, liquid afternoon in summer, showing Bournemouth off at its best. Happy people wandered the beach-front shops, bikini-pretty and giggly – and that was just the guys. I, however, lurched along the pavement like a zombie with one of those nasty little rattling Boots carrier bags: bed-hair, bleary, snotty and a doubtless smelly young man. And in front of me was one of Those Blokes. You know, one of Those Blokes. Stocky, short type with gorilla-hairy arms. Always over-tanned. Dark hair combed back so hard its got furrows and […]

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    B3ta newsletter…

    Always a good read (check it out here), but here’s some highlights from this weeks issue (issue 464 so, being a geeky thing, it mentions the Amstrad CPC464 a lot: If Lord Sugar’s mum had named him Barry Alan Sugar and not Alan Michael then his company would have been the quite wonderful BASTRAD PLC Heh…funny 🙂 The CPC disk operating system was called Amsdos – a variation on the name of the more popular MSDOS. Should the 464 had lasted a few more years then maybe it could have run Amsdows. That’s quite scary… INTERESTING! PORNY BIRO ART – […]

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    A really quick (10 minutes ’til I go home) lazy Friday post…

    Courtesy of the annals of B3ta: There’s a girl you like. Big time. You adore her. She’s perfect. And she’s single. You flirt a little, but it goes nowhere. She’s wary of being hurt or messed around. My friend Tom was that guy. And after nearly a year of groundwork and being turned down times beyond number, the girl, the perfect girl, finally agrees to go out on a date. Tom is beside himself. ‘I’ll take her to the finest restaurant in town. The new Thai one – it’ll be perfect. For weeks, he rants and raves, gushes and giggles. […]

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    Quiet day in the office…

    Boss is at the Berlin air show, Corina’s off to the hospital, so I’m all alone in the office. So, I caught up on some work – got ahead in some other stuff…then got a bit bored. Now this generally means hitting B3ta.com, and I came across this little gem: The greatest plane journey in the world…. Maybe that should be most embarrassing. Pull up a chair, it’s a long one I’m afraid. The initial torment was making the mistake of being a fifteen year old boy. It plays havoc on the hormones and all manner of strange things can […]

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    Lazy post – it's a cut 'n' paste from B3ta:

    Of Messerschmitds and cats arses To relay this story requires the admission of ultimate geekness. Despite the fact I am on the wrong side of 40 and am meant to be all growed up, I have for a few years now rediscovered my childhood hobby of Airfix kits. Its a nice bit of stress relief and an escape from the never ending demands of work and fatherhood, essentially, having a creative outlet keeps me sane!. So, in the early days of rediscovering this simple childhood pastime, before I took over a whole room in the house, I would build my […]

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    Been such a busy morning…

    I was in early, and have only just stopped (no, really). Sitting here with a coffee, I decided to check out some old QOTW answers on B3ta (I WILL get you all over to the ‘dark side’ at some point)…came across this corker: Pearoast: chav vs window So we’d just had a nice Sunday lunch at my Mum and Dad’s and my girlfriend and I set off home. With the girlfriend driving we made our way down the street my folks live on. It is about a minutes drive to a T junction at the end. About half way down […]

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    Lazy post – 'cos I'm so busy…

    It’s Thursday – and that means a new QOTW on B3ta.com 🙂 This week it’s all about flirting – very funny stuff there…and I’ve picked up some tips 😉 for example: Don’t try this at home – it’s better in a pub, but still don’t When I was 18 I frequented Nottingham Rock City. For those of you unfamiliar you’ll quickly find that sex in the toilets is not so much a daring act of rebellion as part of the T&C of entry. Whereas in most of the country, the act of mating involves buying someone a drink followed by […]

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