Tag: weekend

    Another great weekend

    Saturday was spent laying concrete at my mum’s (that would be Bob and me) in the hot sun – at least we had a mixer this time (good job too, we used 1 tonne of ballast!). Got most of it done now, just a little bit more to do next weekend. Mum fed us too – woop, woop! Sunday I went to London with Lisa and the girls (Carys and Kira). Was a lovely day wandering about, visiting The Clink and SeaLife. Kira winds her mum up by saying “I’m hers” – here’s the pictorial proof: Heh… EDIT: I changed […]

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    It’s Friday!

    Woop, woop! Had a good day in Hahn yesterday – got the job done in about 3 hours and had 4 hours to myself before I could could check-in (I was on standby and had to wait for everyone else to check-in before I could be guaranteed a seat). The weather was lovely so I decided to take a walk into the village about 1km from the airport, find a bar/cafe and sit there for a while and practice my (incredibly bad considering I took it for 2 years at school – but that was a LONG time ago*) German. […]

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    My weekend…

    Well, rather than do any work, I decided to meet my l’il sis for a civilised drink or two Friday night… As I still had some of the legal drug Methadrone (legal MDMA, probably soon to be banned due to fuckwits mixing it with illegal substances and messing themselves up – or dying), I bombed the lot and set off into the cold, cold night (no poetic licence here – it was fucking freezing). And so, turned up at the Tudor to be met by Bob saying “Fuck me, what are you on?” apparently, the Methadrone had hit and my […]

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    Monday, Monday…

    Looking at my post count (and some of the comments 😉 ), it seems it’s been a while since I posted. Oh well… Had a great weekend – spent it in London with Marina (there’s that name again). Friday night we spent in The World’s End pub in Camden Town – Friday night is music night, and the band was really good…few drinks there, then back to Marina’s (it takes longer to drive about 5 miles in London than it takes for me to travel by train home – about 65 miles). Saturday started off very rainy, so we jumped […]

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    I see corduroy pillows are making headlines.

    Another weekend behind me. And I got loads done around the house – laid some more slabs (seems to be never ending this), cleared rubbish from the garden, cleared the BIG cupboard where I’m moving the washing machine (this’ll make room for the dishwasher), cooked a Sunday roast, watched a lot of TV, vegged out, and (of course), had a few beers 🙂 2 weeks until the start of the football season 🙂 Spurs v Liverpool is our first game – should be a good one… I suppose I’d better get on with some work now. Enjoy your week!

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    The Boomtown Rats had it right…

    I don’t need telling why I don’t like Mondays though – I’ve NEVER liked Mondays… Had a relatively quiet weekend – didn’t go out Friday night, stayed in and had a few drinks with a couple of friends who came round, then spent Saturday doing nothing – felt rough from a head cold so I stayed home and did bugger all. Yesterday was spent fixing up a computer – had some issues there, probably due to my head being all stuffed up. Basically, I added a SATA drive beside the existing IDE drive and then tried to put Windows on […]

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    The weekend

    Friday Finished work at 1pm, paid a few bills etc., had a bath and got right onto the important things in life: getting a few beers down me 🙂 And then this happened: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCyCogQvBiE] Resulting in this: What actually happened is Wendy, with an empty box in front of her, decided to sit in it and asked us to send her home. So her brother (Dennis) and me taped her into the box, then Andy (her fiance) and me carried her outside for ritual humiliation…as you do 😀 The rest of Friday is a blur of drink etc. Saturday VERY […]

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