Tag: panties

    When snee went panty shopping…

    Ok, this was a couple of years back, and Harriett decided she needed clothes – specifically underwear (this is the only reason I deigned to accompany her), so off we go to the local underwear emporium… I soon realised that, even when accompanied by a woman, blokes aren’t encouraged to handle the delicate lace edged items – especially not with a leery grin on their face, so I resorted to saying things like “Those ones…” and pointing with my head, hands firmly in my pockets (yes, I know now that just made it look worse…). Anyway, Harriett found a few […]

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    Lazy post (sue me)

    Can’t be bothered right now, so I give you the track that I can’t decide is just fucking annoying, or pure quality: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u43wTjRzxco And some Green Day: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r00ikilDxW4 And for some reason, that made me think of The Cure – I can’t believe this track is from 1979…awesome video though: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8JRfnP6NTI Well, it’s Thursday people – tonight I’m going out and am gonna get so wasted…’cos the weekend is beckoning and I seriously need to get laid, and as we all know – I’m such a shy, retiring kinda guy, I can only talk to women when I’m pie-eyed. Heh…the […]

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    Don't mention knickers (or panties)

    WordPress has a new look dashboard – I like it 🙂 And so here we are again – right at the edge of the weekend. I’m determined to get ALL my shopping to last me the rest of the year so I don’t have to deal with the sheep. Got back from testing onsite at Manchester yesterday. As ever, it was a good time – I get on well with the guy up there (Hi Martin), even if he’s a huge Man Utd. fan. Chances are now that it’ll be a Spurs v Man Utd. Carling Cup semi-final (4 teams […]

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