Tag: Foo Fighters

    It’s the wait…

    So, here I sit at 8.21am, waiting for the tickets for the Foo Fighters to go on sale for MK Bowl…this, today, is my “raison d’etre” 🙂 But while I wait (impatiently), I’ll type some random stuff here (no change there then huh?) Firstly, the papers are reporting that Bale is now worth £50 million to the big clubs – allegedly. I say allegedly, because Spurs would have to want to sell him (or him want to leave) for a figure to be actually put on him, and as Spurs now have a squad of committed long-term players who can […]

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    A new month

    My head hurts (quit the smug grin Rik) – I may have had 1 or 20 too many last night… But hey, it’s all good. Got the Foos on REALLY LOUD to blow away the cobwebs (maybe wake the neighbours too, but it’s 11 and everyone should be up), pot of coffee for fortification, and a hot bath waiting to soothe my weary bones. It’s not often I play pool, but last night I got the itch to play a few games – I like to play the odd game or 4, but it gets boring so quickly. I should […]

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    Foos @ Wembley

    FUCKING AWESOME!!! 7 months waiting since I booked the tickets but was it worth it? oh yes…:) My second visit to Wembley – I saw the England under 21s play Italy last year – but the roar when the Foos came on stage was unbelievable. I don’t know how many people were there – around 100000 I reckon, and EVERYONE was singing along – I don’t think I’ll ever see a band perform that’ll beat them… I took a few photos and videos – I’ll get round to uploading them to YouTube and Flickr soon – right now I’m off […]

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    Black 24

    Another weekend almost over – another good one though 🙂 got to see my friends before they move back to the US, got back to town Friday night and decided to grab a couple of quick beers so I parked up at home and walked into town. Now, to set the scene: My original plan was to stay over at my friends and drive back Saturday, but I came back. Harriett is taking it easy with a bad back so she was only going to the cinema with her friend. Unbeknown to me, Harriett had got back and decided to […]

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    Phones…love 'em or hate 'em…

    Way back in 2000, I made the comment that I’d never have a mobile phone… Skip forward a couple of years and now I feel naked if my phone isn’t within reach – I just upgraded to the Nokia N95 8gb: I love it! it does just about everything 🙂 the camera (5 megapixel) is sharp, the wireless network browser works a treat – I’ve only had it a week, but it’s my baby…still have to setup the GPS and assign voice tags to contacts – all that fun stuff. I’m all paid up for my holiday in June (that’s […]

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    Missed a day

    Well, The fiasco that was the England game seriously made me sad…so sad I turned to the liquid known as ‘Tequila’ and oh boy did I suffer yesterday – I actually got up fine and came into work, then the evil drink started it’s work on my tender head – I ended up going home at 1 as I felt so bad. Couple of hours sleep sorted me out fine though – then I realised I hadn’t checked my Lotto ticket from Wednesday night…result! £100 🙂 Tickets went on sale today for Foo Fighters at Wembley next June – I’m […]

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    The week just got better

    Anyone who’d been reading a few of my recent posts would realise I’m just a little upset at missing the Foo Fighters at V – not that I’d change taking Hat to first aid and sitting with her. Anyway, I’d looked on their website and there was nothing about any tours coming up so I was gonna have to settle for a live video… …and then: Got a text message on my phone today – from O2 (my provider). 😀 I can get priority tickets for the Foo Fighters at the O2 Arena in November from Friday!!! I’m starting to […]

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