Tag: Pendulum

    So, the day after Pendulum – how was it?

    🙂 Fecking awesome! 😀 Of course, we all got split up – Bob slept at King’s Cross ‘cos he missed the train, but I managed to get myself back home to a warm bed, where I stayed until 4.30 this afternoon. I took a few pictures (already up on Flikr), videos are uploading to YouTube now… Great night though – Pendulum are the only group I know that can actually make me DANCE! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWH1yt67LGc httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9CGIL7CZxk I’m not one of these people who spend a concert looking through the lens – I hold it up, aim it roughly at the stage […]

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    Woop! Woop!

    My plans for today: – Work (until 1 – I love Fridays 🙂 ) – Home, grab a bath – HEAD TO LONDON TO SEE PENDULUM!!! 😀 And so, for your pleasure (and seeing as you’re not going 😛 ), I give you the first track I heard of Pendulum’s – ‘Slam’: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWnpwV63KiY And what a video huh? Apparently, the Wembley show is being streamed here, so y’all can watch out for me and Bob acting like twats 🙂

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    It’s the wait…

    So, here I sit at 8.21am, waiting for the tickets for the Foo Fighters to go on sale for MK Bowl…this, today, is my “raison d’etre” 🙂 But while I wait (impatiently), I’ll type some random stuff here (no change there then huh?) Firstly, the papers are reporting that Bale is now worth £50 million to the big clubs – allegedly. I say allegedly, because Spurs would have to want to sell him (or him want to leave) for a figure to be actually put on him, and as Spurs now have a squad of committed long-term players who can […]

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    I'm back from V

    No major injuries too 🙂 (well, my back is killing me ‘cos I actually DANCED MY FUCKING ARSE OFF!). I’m desperately in need of a bath (had a poo* when we stopped at some services – pity the next one in after me…I’d saved that all weekend 🙂 ) Top act I saw of the weekend? Pendulum without a doubt (although it was this point my back went), Killers were awesome as ever, Oasis had a great set Saturday too – I reckon I managed to see about 35 bands, drank a metric shitload of alcohol, slept very little…and had […]

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