Tag: poo

    Back in the UK…

    Fuck me – after a 13 hour flight, driving home from Heathrow wasn’t much fun let me tell you…my decision to come off the M25 and up the M1 (as opposed to the A1) as the M1 has more lanes and so should in theory be quicker was wrong, oh so wrong… And the signs on the side of the motorway “Tired? take a rest…” REALLY didn’t help 😐 But hey, I made it home in one piece, seriously need to have a crap (fuck jetlag – it’s my bowel movements that fuck me up), can’t figure out whether to […]

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    I'm back from V

    No major injuries too 🙂 (well, my back is killing me ‘cos I actually DANCED MY FUCKING ARSE OFF!). I’m desperately in need of a bath (had a poo* when we stopped at some services – pity the next one in after me…I’d saved that all weekend 🙂 ) Top act I saw of the weekend? Pendulum without a doubt (although it was this point my back went), Killers were awesome as ever, Oasis had a great set Saturday too – I reckon I managed to see about 35 bands, drank a metric shitload of alcohol, slept very little…and had […]

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    This is the post that sends the poo to the bottom of the page…

    So. Yesterday I took the day off to finish collecting free paving slabs (3 trips, multiple scrapes on my arms, about 5 gallons of sweat and they’re in my garden, mocking me), and rip up the old patio ready to redo it all. And then I find out whoever laid the previous one used FUCKING GREAT LUMPS OF CEMENT on every fucking slab to keep them in place. So, at this point I’ve recovered some 30 slabs, got about 20 new ones, still have to dig out about 1/2 tonne of shitty old cement and get rid of that before […]

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    Mid week blues (AKA: Poo shifter)

    Well, here we are again – what with working all over the place, seeing Kathy at the weekends, and private work, I just don’t seem to have the time to blog anymore. What I SHOULD do is set my phone up so I can blog direct from that…yet another thing to add to the list of ‘things to do that’ll make my life simpler’. My back hurts. A lot. It’s sciatica and means my left leg feels like the bones are being pulled out through my feet – quite uncomfortable actually. Went to the doctors yesterday and was told to […]

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    Got any lettuce?

    The post title is the question I texted to a few people in my phonebook to see what their repsonse would be… 2 people replied no, but they were going to the shop and could get me some. 4 people replied offering me drugs…meh. Few replies along the lines of “fuck off – twat” Brian let me down though – I would have bet money on his reply being “Fuck off you cock”. Oh well, I’ll have to think of another one… And then there’s the story of Ewa’s super poo… I got up yesterday just after she’d left for […]

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    Nag, nag, nag…

    So I don’t post for a couple of weeks…I can think of one recently married woman who’s not blogged in a while – not mentioning any names bu’er. Well, I’m starting to REALLY enjoy tolerate nettle tea now – and it really does seem to ease hayfever symptoms. Tesco have sold out so a lot of people must like it or something… Well, I had a great weekend – spent it down with Kathy et famille ‘dahn sarf’ (septics will have to google it 😉 ), weather was great (not too much sneezing etc.), stunning countryside (look, we don’t have […]

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    Can y'all say "woohoo!"?

    Yes, I finally got my compensation cheque through – all £3080 of it 🙂 So there I was, in my local bank (Barclays) putting in in my account. The teller stamped my paying-in book, then said “Would you like to put some of this in a savings account?” My reply? “With the banks in the mess they are – do you REALLY think that’s staying here a minute longer than it needs to?” Yep, I’m going shopping next weekend 😀 Of course, I’ve told all my mates about it – most of whom promptly asked for a beer/percentage/loan, which leads […]

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    Can’t be bothered to type much today, so here’s the craic: I enjoy my regular early morning poo – a time when I’m at one with the world (well, I am after my first coffee…). I have an electronic Soduku game which I take into the toilet with me, provides me with someone to gently exercise my brain while the more important aspects of the visit are taken care of. So…what does everyone else take in there with them? [polldaddy poll=”1078039″] This could be a huge mistake…

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