Mid week blues (AKA: Poo shifter)

    Well, here we are again – what with working all over the place, seeing Kathy at the weekends, and private work, I just don’t seem to have the time to blog anymore.

    What I SHOULD do is set my phone up so I can blog direct from that…yet another thing to add to the list of ‘things to do that’ll make my life simpler’.

    My back hurts. A lot. It’s sciatica and means my left leg feels like the bones are being pulled out through my feet – quite uncomfortable actually. Went to the doctors yesterday and was told to rest completely and keep taking anti-inflammatories and go back in a week if there’s no change (hardly likely to be really).

    So I rested yesterday, and was so bored so I came into work today – can’t see me lasting the day though, just sitting is giving me a lot of pain 🙁

    This post is mainly due to the comments asking for a post so the poo moves down the page (now THAT’S a wonderful image…)

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    0 thoughts on “Mid week blues (AKA: Poo shifter)

    1. Awww, you poor thing. Drink some beer and roll one.
      Thanks for the blog. If I have time to break my no sexing streak, then you have time to blog. I hate to admit this, but I’ve been posting from my phone 🙂 Can you say wordpress whore? Oh yes, that’s right…you already did.
      PS, I’m keeping The Boy 😉

    2. Thank you!
      It’s nothing to mess with the sciatica nerve, I don’t know if this correct or maybe I don’t suffer from it, but mine flares up from time to time…It IS uncomfortable. I am thinking more sex would work it out or less if you are a sex fien like I assume you are. Just take it easy man! 🙂

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