OK, so I was sold on the idea of a smart meter by my energy company.
Truth be told, I was fed up with having to constantly submit meter readings and my inner geek liked the idea of n in home display (IHD) showing current and historical usage.
So, the installer was booked, turned up, and installed the gas and electric meters while maintaining social distancing, showed me the IHD and apologised there wasn’t a manual (manual? ha! I SPIT at manuals…), and left.
About 3 hours later I noticed the display wasn’t showing the electricity reading

So I did what any self respecting geek would and Googled the fuck out of it, finding in the process these IHDs are reknowned for this problem. Looks like a firmware update to 8.5 (mine was on 8.2) resolved the issue, but how to force an update?
I’d tried a full reset on mine a couple of times and noticed the power was just a USB-C socket and plug, so hooked it to my PC to see if it would register as a device and maybe I could poke around the innards.
What I actually found was it resolved the problem – I’m still on firmware 8.2, but maybe it was able to connect to the mothership using the laptop net connection and ‘sort itself out’.

Anyway, just thought I’d post this here in case anyone having the same issue finds this and it helps.