Tag: London

    London Undergound

    Lisa posted on Facebook regarding our day out in that there London village, but here’s the basics: I’d got tickets to sit in the audience of Blockbusters (can I have a ‘P’ please Bob?) which would mean we’d get tickets to see ‘A League of Their Own‘ (mmm, Georgie Thompson 🙂 ). Anyhoo, we got to London in time for some dinner in Covent Garden, (copy ‘n’ paste from Lisa now): The journey from Vauxhall to Syon Lane was on the overground train and it just started to rain…We wandered to the studios to find all the access points totally […]

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    Another great weekend

    Saturday was spent laying concrete at my mum’s (that would be Bob and me) in the hot sun – at least we had a mixer this time (good job too, we used 1 tonne of ballast!). Got most of it done now, just a little bit more to do next weekend. Mum fed us too – woop, woop! Sunday I went to London with Lisa and the girls (Carys and Kira). Was a lovely day wandering about, visiting The Clink and SeaLife. Kira winds her mum up by saying “I’m hers” – here’s the pictorial proof: Heh… EDIT: I changed […]

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    Monday, Monday…

    Looking at my post count (and some of the comments 😉 ), it seems it’s been a while since I posted. Oh well… Had a great weekend – spent it in London with Marina (there’s that name again). Friday night we spent in The World’s End pub in Camden Town – Friday night is music night, and the band was really good…few drinks there, then back to Marina’s (it takes longer to drive about 5 miles in London than it takes for me to travel by train home – about 65 miles). Saturday started off very rainy, so we jumped […]

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    Yet another great weekend

    I went to London yesterday to meet up with a friend I’ve been chatting to for a while now – we finally managed to make a date where we were both in the country 🙂 London makes me nervous (small town boy syndrome lol), but I had a great time – and so did she 🙂 so we’re gonna do it again! woo! and yay! She’s got the most amazing eyes I’ve seen in a long time, and is absolutely lovely 🙂 So we sat in a really nice pub and had a couple of beers (well, I had beer […]

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