Tag: gooner scum

    Oh yeah – my weekend…

    Spent another great weekend in London, in the company of the gorgeous Marina… Saturday she threatened me with shopping, but I thwarted her plans by suggesting a drink in The Anchor pub beside the Thames: Really nice place 🙂 and as an alternative to shopping it certainly gets my vote 😉 After a few pints in here (well, I had several pints, she had coffee and one glass of wine – basically her limit), we walked across the Millennium Bridge towards St Paul’s Cathedral – as it was getting dark, it looked exactly like this: This was the first time […]

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    From bad to good…and I mean REALLY good

    The week started off badly – I was burgled last Saturday and lost 2 mobile phones (my beloved N95 8GB and the new toy, a HTC s710) along with my precious laptop 🙁 So Monday morning was spent with me giving a statement to the police in order to get a crime number (needed by my insurers), then contacting the insurers, then arranging to get my locks changed – a shit day. Tuesday my luck started changing – as my previous post reports – and I was awarded £3080 compensation for my ankle – result! Got a call from the […]

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    Weeee…Friday again

    Another working week (almost) behind us 🙂 Had a few beers with Darren last night – started out to be an enjoyable evening until this moronic woman came in and ruined it for us. We ended up hiding from her in the smoking area out back of the Tudor – kind of funny really, I mean, this is OUR local and she just wouldn’t take the hint (is telling someone to ‘fuck off’ a subtle enough hint?). Anyhoo, we both got drunk so all’s well that ends well… I don’t know how many of the people who visit my site […]

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    What a weekend THAT was

    I had a great time – Friday I was the designated driver when Harriett and me went to Baldock. Had a couple of drinks with her brothers (I was hoping Christian would have come back to town with us), then back to St Neots and into town with Harriett and 2 of her friends – cue me getting very, very drunk (Harriett was already drunk so her friend was giving me her drinks and giving her water). Didn’t get out of bed until 2pm and got straight back on the beer. When I got a call from Harriett to say […]

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    Woohoo – Friday again

    What a week it’s been: Monday – well, Mondays are just Mondays. Tuesday – hospital appointment in the morning. They’re going to take out the plate and screws in my ankle as the screws are now working their way out (I can feel 4 of them and wearing socks/boots HURTS). Then in the afternoon I had a driving test…which I passed 🙂 I can now LEGALLY drive…Of course, the best thing that happened on Tuesday was the Carling Cup Semi Final, second leg between the mighty Spurs and the scummy arsenal – the first leg at the rubbish dump ended […]

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