The Boomtown Rats had it right…

    I don’t need telling why I don’t like Mondays though – I’ve NEVER liked Mondays…

    Had a relatively quiet weekend – didn’t go out Friday night, stayed in and had a few drinks with a couple of friends who came round, then spent Saturday doing nothing – felt rough from a head cold so I stayed home and did bugger all.

    Yesterday was spent fixing up a computer – had some issues there, probably due to my head being all stuffed up. Basically, I added a SATA drive beside the existing IDE drive and then tried to put Windows on it…finally sorted it. I’ve got a nagging suspicion that the memory might be a bit dodgy in the PC – I’ll check it out later…

    It’s getting near THAT time of year again…dunno what I’ll do over Xmas – might even see if I can get a few days or so away…

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    4 thoughts on “The Boomtown Rats had it right…

    1. *tries again*

      Did you get my email? And did you reply?

      *Gets paranoid*

    2. *checks*

      Um…don’t seem to have any mail from you in – checked junk too

    3. sorry, not resent… re-sent.

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