Tag: Lee Bray
Is there an award for laziness?
If so, I’m sure I’d get it… So, what’s been happening since I last wrote something? Nothing really – just work and play. My mate got stabbed the other day, he’s ok now though and should be out of hospital for the weekend fingers crossed. This weekend marks 2 years since Lee died, so there’ll be a few beers drank in his memory – we all plan to meet up Sunday and get blotto (the sensible ones among us, i.e. Darren and me, have booked Monday off ). And that’s about it – still not getting laid and I […]
What a week
Had a great holiday – really relaxing. Didn’t make it to Lee’s funeral – my flight was delayed for 2 hours which messed everything up – on top of that, on arrival at Luton, there was a huge queue to get through passport control (all this made me ever so slightly annoyed…). Apparently there were about 800 people there – just goes to show what a hero he was. RIP mate – miss you so much.
Read MoreLee Bray
Andy, Lee, Me My mate. Nobody could ever say a bad word against him – he never hated anyone, everyone loved him. He’s gone – I’ll never hear him call me honič again. I was speaking to him when I was at Wembley – a couple of hours later he died. I’m going to miss the fucker…no more drunken talks about brussel sprout curry, no more drinking ’til we fall off the bar stools. 26 years old and gone – I miss him so much. Last night in the Tudor we all had one or two drinks in his honour, […]
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