Author: snee

    HTC – the end of their fuckwittery

    So, since my last post regarding HTC’s total lack of respect for their paying customers, there has been some movement. The HTC representative (and apparent resident expert) Ian had touched upon me getting my phone back unrepaired with no charges being made – my response was that I wanted this in writing from HTC before I said yes or no. Imagine my (total lack of) surprise on getting an email on 30th June at 16:55: Dear Paul Bennett Device HTC One M9, Serial No. ************, is now awaiting shipment in our warehouse and should be returned to you within a […]

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    The saga of the HTC One M9 phone…

    Following me dropping my phone and the screen breaking 🙁 I decided to go with the manufacturer’s for the repair, so after calling them and initiating the repair, I sent the phone off never once thinking this would turn into the saga it has. Being totally disgruntled with the customer service I have(n’t) received from HTC, I typed up a letter for the HTC UK Executive Director (Lisa then took my letter and made it pretty): Dear Mr Blair May I start by saying that I have been a user of HTC phones since the HTC S710 back in 2008 […]

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    Work – a four letter word

    So, this week I has mainly been in Italy – Lake Como 🙂 for training on pressure transmitters. There were about 30 of us – ABB sales team, 2 of us office bods, and the alliance partners had sent over some representatives so ~I got to meet people I deal wioth on a day to day basis too. Hard life eh? in the office Monday, then picked up Tuesday at stupid o’clock and off to the airport, arriving at the ABB factory in Ossucio at about 13.30 in time for lunch and then a tour of the factory – very […]

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    ANOTHER post? so soon?

    It’s Friday people! 🙂 I’ll be finishing early today, then Lisa and I are off to the O2 for the Channel 4 Comedy Gala Spurs need one more win (from 2 remaining games) to confirm second place in the league. Now everyone says second place is just first loser, but all these people support the Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal et al who have all finished lower…this confuses me until I realise it’s all jealousy – jealousy of our players, of our manager, of the team’s fitness levels… 129 days until Mexico…

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    Alert! alert! new post :O

    Wow, 18 months since my last post…and reading that, things have certainly changed! and all for the better. Firstly, Lisa and I got married – very romantic affair really, it was sold to me that financially it made sense with the properties etc. As such, we got 2 witnesses, Lisa’s dad, and my mum and off to the registry office. We had the Muppet Show theme tune playing during the ceremony, then Lou Reed’s ‘Perfect Day’ (the only ‘sensible’ wedding ceremony song), follwed by Foo Fighters ‘Long Road to Ruin’. We left the registry office to the Muppets ‘Manamana’. Lisa […]

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    It’s gone mad I tell ya…

    Here’s a quote from the BBC News website: The government is due to unveil a new plan to tackle the threat posed by the potential return to the UK of British Islamists who are currently fighting in Iraq or Syria. The Conservatives want new laws to impose temporary bans on extremists re-entering the UK from foreign conflicts. However, the Lib Dems have questioned the legality of such measures. ‘Questioned the legality’? They are terrorists FFS – kick the bastards AND their families out of the country and send them to Syria/Iraq. And forget the temporary bit – strip them of […]

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    Bit of an update

    I seem to have neglected my blog for a while now, so let me bring you up to date: Since February ’13 I’ve been mostly working – I had a lot of trips to Singapore/Malaysia last year (Lisa came with me for one week out there). Working in the heat out there is so draining… Talking of work, we have now moved to new premises. Where we had the office separate from the workshop by about 5 miles, we now have everyone under the same roof – the old workshop has been knocked down and the land is going to […]

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