Summer is finally here…

    After what seems likes months of rain, we finally have beautiful sunny weather 🙂 I’ve got the day off to get my new passport – I REALLY didn’t look like my old one (photo taken in 2004) – I’ll add the then and now pictures later. Anyway, work has been very busy which means no time to blog in between running the workshop, dealing with customers, and frequent journeys abroad :P. I don’t think I mentioned it, bit I have a new phone – the HTC One X – which is awesome (yes, even more so than my old Nokia […]

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    Back to normality

    (Well, as close as I can get to normality before Lisa says it) So, so busy at work: I’m in Bournemouth next Monday and Tuesday, got transport booked to ship my test equipment up to Prestwick where I’ll be for the whole of the following week, I have to arrange to get the test stuff shipped from there to Hahn where I’ll be the week after that…then I think I’ll be back in the office for a week (maybe – got to go see the Ryanair people in Dublin at some point). I like being busy – the days fly […]

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    Cycle paths turn me into a psychopath…

    Heh – see what I did there? Here in the UK, we have a whole network of cycle paths, so lycra wearing (*shudder*) blobs can cycle (and sweat) in relative safety from regular road users. The cycle paths usually look like this: Or this: It makes me smile when I recall, as a child, being told stopped by a copper when riding my bike on the path, and being told to walk with it on the footpath – now people are encouraged to do this… Anyhoo, there is nothing that makes me more annoyed (well, ok, maybe there is), than […]

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