Tag: mum

    Overprotective parents

    B3ta.com’s QOTW is about overprotective parents this week. This means I have no hilarious story to tell – my upbringing was full of AWESOMENESS! Not that my siblings and I were neglected – far from it – we were allowed to play out, we got reprimanded (threatened with smacks more than actually smacked – when my mum threatened, you did as you were told), we were rewarded for being good. As such the lot of us grew up into well-rounded (no, I don’t mean fat – I mean look at me – do I LOOK fat?) adults with a good […]

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    Midweek…and no blues!

    Yes folks, it’s Wednesday and I’m still feeling good 🙂 Of course, this could just be my brain has forgotten about the bank holiday and I’ll wake up tomorrow feeling depressed. Went to see my mum last night (so everyone who nags me about THAT can now stop FFS), had a nice chat seeing as it’s been almost 2 months since I last saw her. In my defence, every time I called round, she was out – I left post-it notes with strange messages on ‘cos that’s what I do (which reminds me of a really funny picture… *wanders off […]

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