Tag: stalkers


    (AKA: Stalkerville) Only recently a friend told me he’d added me to his Facebook as a friend. This surprised me as I didn’t recall signing up for it. I checked and sure enough, I have a Facebook account. So I updated the profile, added a pic etc. and added a couple of friends. Then, following my recent experience, I decided I don’t want just about anyone to know what I’m doing, or who I’m talking to/friends with. So I just deactivated the account 🙂

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    Breaking news…

    Result! Well, it may be too soon to say that, but it certainly feels like it to me 🙂 I’m smiling again and feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Let me explain: I gave Harriett my phone SIM card last yesterday evening, she put it in her other phone and almost straight away a text came through – I didn’t want to know what it said. Anyway, just had a call from Harriett, she told me there was another text came through during the night (about 2am – how screwy is THAT?), so Harriett rang […]

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