Author: snee

    From the depths of’s QOTW archive:

    When Ants Attack My little sister bought herself an ant farm – one of those gel ones, where you can see through the glass frame all the tiny tunnels that the little blighters make, and watch them waving their little anty antenna around, and doing whatever it is ants decide to do in edible blue gel. She loved this ant farm. She populated it with a few black ants, and true to form they dug mini catacombs, and ran around, content in their own little ant eutopia. It was the ant equivilent of surburban bliss, with blue gel instead of […]

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    Snow, ice, frost, cold winds…

    I hate them all. Actually, there’s not a great deal I DON’T like this time of the year – I’m just a grumpy c*nt I guess 🙂 Was supposed to be down in Crawley today but the weather has apparently brought the M25 to a standstill so I’m in the office. And bored. And hungry. And alone. So, once the couriers have been to pickup a delivery for Ethiopia, I’m fucking off to get a large amount of food to see me through the day…that’s my plan 🙂

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    I’ve got one on me today it seems…

    Friday – check, got paid – check. Got an email from the local police force full of spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and not even a basic idea of punctuation – check. 😐 So, is it wrong for me to reply to said email, highlighting the errors, and basically calling the original writer a illiterate twat wrong? I hate text speak (or ‘TXT SPK’) and the associated lack of understanding of the English language when it comes to writing – I’m in no way perfect, but I try to make messages I type at least sound correct when I read it […]

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    The calm before the storm

    So, this week has been a bit of a breather – not a great deal on workwise this time of year, but the next week or 2 should be interesting what with testing all over the place (well, the UK anyway – furthest I’ll get away is bloody Prestwick 😐 ) So really all I’m doing today is sorting out dates to go different places 🙂 Spurs play Werde Bremen in the CL tonight – a win will guarantee them a top 16 place 🙂 oh, and the gooner scum lost last night to Braga (I’m trying and failing not […]

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    Even email spam is taking the piss…

    I ask you – what the fuck is that about? and I’ll bet the ‘easy to read font’ is Comic Sans – the font for fuckwits. And the consultant we have in at work is really starting to bug the fuck outta me too – I’ve spent time fixing his laptop for him, showed him how to do a mail merge in Word (FFS – surely EVERYONE can do that?), yet he speaks down to everyone in such a condescending manner, I’m surprised no-one (especially me) has decked the twat. I caught him on the phone to a customer the […]

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