I had a great time in London yesterday 🙂 and a pretty good day at work today considering it’s a Monday…I’ve got 2 days off now, so tomorrow is gonna be spent doing housework, then I shall go meet Marina from work in the evening and spend some quality time with her 😉

    Have a picture of Harriett’s bum – she kept getting it out on Saturday:


    She’ll kill me if she sees that 😉

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    0 thoughts on “

    1. Tell Harriett to film her bum?

    2. Wow. That’s a really nice bum. I am jealous because I don’t have one. Sigh.

    3. No silly! Tell her to film kicking your arse! 😛

    4. I was so tempted to ninja edit that comment…instead I give you this – proof that the lightweight cannot kick my arse 😉

      1. Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for her, did it? Heh.

        By the way, I am still waiting for sex in a post.

    5. snee likes taking pics of bum’s.

    6. hahahaha I can see the ninja edit wars now.

      This might be kinda fun, like match wars, and DAF. You DO know how to play match wars and what DAF stands for yes?

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