Been a hectic week
Not had much time to sort out my photos/videos from V yet – managed to upload a few to Flickr, also added a couple of videos to YouTube – check out this one:
😆 What do you think? should she pursue a career in singing? (admittedly, we were both a little drunk at that point)
I wanted a picture of the mud, so Harriett posed in it for me – then kept trying to kick mud all over me – here’s a before and after picture (Ha! I won…)
And this is so funny – Harriett, after I’d dumped her in the mud a few times, trying to kick me (she is DEFINITELY drunk here):
😀 It was great fun though…and a very good way to get to the front of the stages – nobody wanted to get muddy it seemed.
Aww, pictures of us together – I soon ditched the blue poncho thing, it kept ripping:
And a little later (after vodka, cider and lager…):
It was a great weekend though – the only regret is that Harriett tore her shoulder muscle when she decided to join a random group of fellow mud lovers who were wrestling a bit harder than we did. She looks a little forlorn here waiting for an x-ray (and I stayed with her even though the Foo Fighters were playing – what a nice bloke I am…)
🙁 Doc reckons it’ll take 4 weeks to get better…poor Harriett.