Lee’s brother Darren asked me if I’d help him carry the coffin – wouldn’t be the first time I’d carried Lee 🙂 it was only later we realised that I’d be in Spain so I had to tell him. Now it seems the funeral is on the day I fly back – makes for a hectic day, get back to town, grab my suit and get to Bedford. Nothing on this earth will stop me being there, his death has hit me so bad.

    It’s the same for us all in the Tudor – we’re like a family in there. Right in front of where we all used to stand there’s pictures of Lee and his beer of course:

    Tudor - Lee

    The glasses you see in the front are Bob and me toasting him – there’s been a few of them 🙂 Lee gets his beer refreshed every now and then – I can hear him moaning now “I never got a free beer when I was there…” (he did).

    One person came in and remarked about the England flags asking why they were up when we’re not in Euro 2008 – it was politely pointed out that they’re for Lee – probably the most patriotic bloke ever, the only time I ever saw him get mad was when someone (an Englishman) was shouting for Andorra during an England game – Darren and me had to restrain Lee from decking him.

    So many stories have been told the last week – the best has to be the roundabout incident – I’d never heard it before, but it made me laugh so hard, I can imagine Lee running through town with his shirt pulled down to protect his modesty…

    Anyway, off on holiday on Tuesday, back the week after – normal service will be resumed.

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