I'm back!
Germany: nice country, shit food, people are ok.
The airshow was pretty good though – it’s good to get among the competition and find out what they’re up to 😉 Spent a lot of time on the Mallaghan stand (aircraft loaders, toilet carts luggage handlers – not really our side of things) ‘cos they had Guinness on tap 🙂 which was very nice…
Weather was great out there – 26 degrees yesterday 🙂 so glad I managed to grab a free pair of shades from Dianne at the Semmco stand (gave her a stuffed cow in return).
What other freebies did I get? not many actually – some chocolate, Jagermeister, stuffed donkey…that’s about it…
And Corina arranged for me to goto Italy next week for testing in Rome – she’s arranged a flight out Monday morning and back in the evening so I’ve got to be at Stansted for 4am, and land back just before midnight – I’m sure she doesn’t realise this yet – but that’s a fucking long day!
Better get on with some work – just going through the emails is gonna take all morning…
Welcome back then!
Yeah, what bu’er said.