Back at work
What a great weekend 🙂 Milan is a beautiful city – expensive though (some places wanted 16 euros for a beer!). As I mentioned, finding a restaurant that sells food (not just a sandwich) wasn’t the easiest thing…but the food was lovely.
The San Siro is a HUGE stadium – 85,000 capacity (not as big as Wembley then) – as you can see from the pictures, we went all over the place, Inter and AC’s dressing rooms, sat in the dugouts, stole a lump of turf 😉 …that seems to be standard procedure for me now, everytime I go to a football ground, I end up with some of the turf.
The Duomo cathedral is very awe inspiring – a friend (Bruno) was talking about it before we went, saying we should sit in a bar opposite the cathedral and just look. Well, that part of town was VERY expensive, so we spent about an hour up on the roof (ok, much of the time was spent ogling the ladies).
The food – oh, the food…when you finally find a place to eat, the food is sooooo good. Dennis found out that ‘antipasta’ means starter, so while I had a lovely steak with potatoes and a delicious sauce, he had 3 slices of salami, some mushrooms all covered in olive oil – after this, he tended to order from the same part of the menu I was reading (hint: always follow my lead when food is involved – I do like my food…).
I mentioned Burger King – I know it’s a typical Brit abroad thing to eat English food, I refused to go into any of the McDonalds out there, and even directed someone to Burger King when they wanted McDonalds (heh, I’m sure they’d thank me…) – anyway, you can buy a beer there! 🙂 and it’s cheap! (2.70 euros), and it’s open 24 hours! and it was opposite our hotel! all this is why it was the late night snack place of choice prior to going back to the hotel.
Of course, landing at Heathrow was a bit of a shock – Milan was warm (about 21 degrees), London was cold, wet, and well, London 😐 Must admit though, Terminal 5 is enormous. The baggage handling was impressive, took about 4 minutes to get from the plane to the baggage reclaim, and my bag was there already 🙂 most importantly, the bottle of vodka in it was still intact 😀
Pictures are just about uploaded – off to go add descriptions now 🙂
EDIT: Oh yes, Rik – there ARE MILFS in Milan, and they have lovely pert arses. I always thought Italian women tended to spread as they aged, but it seems the lack of food places there means they don’t eat, they just buy shoes and handbags.