Another great weekend
Saturday was spent laying concrete at my mum’s (that would be Bob and me) in the hot sun – at least we had a mixer this time (good job too, we used 1 tonne of ballast!). Got most of it done now, just a little bit more to do next weekend. Mum fed us too – woop, woop!
Sunday I went to London with Lisa and the girls (Carys and Kira). Was a lovely day wandering about, visiting The Clink and SeaLife.
Kira winds her mum up by saying “I’m hers” – here’s the pictorial proof:
EDIT: I changed my favicon too – it’s now an icon-sized version of this:
…not only does Kira say that he belongs to her, she says that I’m only allowed to “borrow” him!!!
Personally, I think that’s very generous of her…
hmmmmmm, I may remind you of that comment later on…!!
She’s adorable!
By the way – still think you should make your favicon a picture of Lisa. Apparently you didn’t get that subtle hint I dropped last time, eh?
But – purple monkeys!
Also, I added Lisa as a user on my blog, so she can post stuff too now…just have to show her how
See how quickly the shine wears off, Arie??
Already I’m being sidelined for blue ducks and purple monkeys. With that AND my daughters monopolising his time, I don’t stand a chance!
But Lisa! You’re a user on his site! That’s more than I’ve ever been
(please have one of your daughters kick him in the shin, for me. That will be my way of saying BE NICER TO LISA all the way from NY
I’m a user on his site with absolutely NO idea what that means and how to make the most of it! (Although I can see a lot of ‘I love pandas’, ‘Mondays are great’ and ‘I really should massage Lisa’s back more often’ type comments coming along…)
As for the kicking his shins comment … I genuinely believe that Kira would stop talking to me if I asked for them to inflict any pain on ‘her Paul’! I’ll think of something else though… Mwahahahahaha
hehe the pandas! made me think of that pic i posted of panda soup