A great weekend…
Kathy came down Friday (her birthday), so it saved me doing the 1.5 hour drive each way…
And so – took her for a meal Friday night – was very nice :). I even took her shopping in Cambridge on Saturday, AND Inever complained once (heh – earnt myself mucho brownie points there let me tell you…)
Another meal and a few drinks Saturday night, and onto Sunday…
Decided to goto the Royal Oak in Hail Weston for dinner – as Ewa (my lodger) was around, I asked if she wanted to come too. So off we all went.
Lovely meal (as always), couple of beers sat out in the garden – excellent way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Within an hour of getting back home, I got a text from Harriett – she used to live in Hail Weston, and her mum still does. Anyhoo, her mum had popped round to Harriett’s to tell her that I’d been seen in the pub with TWO women…and neither of them were Harriett! Shock! Horror! other exclamationed (is that a real word?) remarks!
And now it’s Monday…but at least I’m in work…
Off to Sweden tomorrow with a night stopover there too – the U21 Championship final (England v Germany) is tonight though – bollocks.
How’s Sweden?