Category: Ramblings


    Well fuck…last day and Spurs blew it. That’s all I have to say about it – I’m fucking gutted. I watched ‘V For Vendetta’ tonight – awesome film, I imagine it would lose something for the non-english watchers (that’s citizens of England, not english speaking). I have to confess that it did make me shed one or two tears…mind you, so did ‘Independance Day’ – I’m a sucker for films…so gullible I’ll believe anything. Anyway – 5 weeks until the world cup – come on England! I’m tempted to go have a bet…

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    football, football, football…

    Well, the final day of the Premiership is tomorrow – Spurs are still in 4th placewith a 1 point advantage over Arsenal – if we win at West Ham, we get 4th place and a Champion’s League slot for next season. Hard to believe there’s no football after tomorrow…until June 9th of course – World Cup 2006 kicks off then. England’s first game on the 10th SHOULD be simple enough – but we have been known to make some bad mistakes in the past… On a different note, I did a bit of shopping today, and walking into town (in […]

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    Champion’s League

    Well, been a while since I added anything here, but not a great deal has happened lately – Spurs need to win their last game against West Ham to finish in fourth place in the Premiership which would qualify them for Champion’s League next season so long as Arsenal fail to beat Barcelona in the final…COME ON YOU BARCA! I see in my last post that I was expecting to be in Bournemouth to do the onsite testing down there – well, that’s not happened yet, it’ll probably be next week now by the time I get in touch with […]

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    Holiday weekends

    Don’t you just love ’em? Been a long week considering it was only a 4 day one – went to Manchester (again) on Tuesday to do some onsite testing and finally got home about 10.30pm Wednesday. Next week we’re back down to Bournemouth for testing there (is it REALLY a year since we were last there?). I like Bournemouth International Airport – ther FR Aviation canteen is awesome. Kind of amusing too – you have to cross the taxiway to get to it so high visibility vests (or ‘dinner jackets’ as I have renamed them) must be worn and rather […]

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    Been getting some emails from this guy in the US regarding my installing Windows on a 240X laptop (no CD drive) so I decided to make it a page all of it’s own…I’ll add to it with links and other pages I found useful when I undertook the task. In other news, my back is still sore – nothing major wrong though, I just need to keep up the exercises and get some more physiotherapy for a while. Hopefully, I’ll be back on top form ready for the (long) summer. I was talking to a friend the other day about […]

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    Another week gone by

    Well, another week over. My back has been playing up most of it so I can’t say it’s been a good one. Had an email from a Yahoo user asking about bot blocking in messenger…had to point them towards YahElite (I assume it still has the BEST bot block facilities – please advise if there is summat else – I no longer use chat). At last spring is here – thank fuck. I hate the cold weather – it just makes me grumpy. I’ve been saving for a holiday but have no idea where to go – I want somewhere […]

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    Happy birthday…

    Well, it’s been a good week all in all – happy birthday to my dad for today. I was in Manchester on Thursday (seems I spend a lot of time there…) and talk about combinations of weather – initially it was snowing hard, and being in the open it was just a little bit chilly…then we were inside a hangar testing simulator jacks. Tim went outside for a smoke and called me over – it was beautiful weather – sunny and warm. Then on the way home we had driving rain. A friend bought a laptop to the pool night […]

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    Javascript – the devil’s tool?

    I spent this morning renewing my aquaintance with javascript…my boss has gone off on a tangent and branched into the cane furniture market and asked me to sort out a website for it. It’s very basic right now (apart from the javascript image scroller which I’m very pleased with…) but I’ll post a link when it gets to a presentable state. In other news – I FINALLY got my new mobile phone. After sending my old one off on January 16 for a warranty repair/replacement – my replacement arrived on Saturday (the next model up though – Samsung D600 – […]

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